Consumers are now expecting personalised products and services in brick-and-mortar stores. Meaningful one-to-one interaction, personalised messages, accurate recommendations, and targeted promotions are all tools to maintain and earn loyalty.

Infosys report shows, personalisation has influenced 59% of consumer on purchasing decision; 62% prefer personalized offers or promotions based on past purchases; and 44% say they are more likely to purchase again from stores that provide a personalised shopping experience.

Personalisation in store improves shopping experiences and makes it unique to the brand. So, if done correctly, a personalised shopping experience could be the key to attracting shoppers and encouraging them to spend time in-store.

Retailers can use sales assistants to provide personalised service. This is done in boutique stores already but other stores with high footfall can also do this effectively with the help of technology. By equipping the sales assistants with mobile POS retailers can give them the power to access customer profiles quickly while providing a one-to-one service in-store. This can easily delight consumers as sales assistants can find the correct size or recommending relevant products without shoppers’ needing to ask.

According to Brandon Ashcraft, VP Engineering, Mobiquity, “the ability to create and deploy the immersive, personal experiences customers crave will determine who wins and loses as platform use becomes every bit as important – or more important – than in-store experience.” Everything from products, promotions, and experience must resonate with the shopper.


  • Levi Strauss & Co.

Levi’s Tailor Shops creates a deeper connection with consumers by allowing them to be a part of the production process. Consumers can work with tailors to personalise their clothing in store and get the right fit.

Marc Rosen, Executive Vice President and President of Americas at Levi’s, says such stores “lets us show the consumer the full expression of the brand, and all the premium products that the brand can bring”.

  • Sephora

Sephora’s isColor IQ is an in-store technology that scans shoppers face and matches the face to the perfect shades of make-up. This high-tech personalised service is useful and efficient for consumers to find the right products for them.

Such software also allows the business to collect data on consumers and suggest relevant products in an attempt to upsell.

  • Starbucks

One company that is collecting data while keeping consumers happy is Starbucks. Joining the app has many perks such as personalised offers and free drink on birthdays.

Thus, Starbucks’ customers are rewarded for using the app. They exchange data for a personalised service.


One of the biggest barriers to providing personalisation is data. Without data you don’t know your shoppers; if you don’t know your shoppers, you can’t personalise their experience. So data is the starting point.

You need to know every consumer’s search history and purchase history. When shoppers visit stores, you need data on which products they interact with most and least, how much time are they spending in certain departments, how are they navigating the store, and understand their behaviour. All this data will be useful for making future predictions too since you will have information on your consumers likes and dislikes.

Video analytics can help you understand consumer behaviour and their interaction with products and the brand in-store. You can use the analytics to create personalised shopping experience, personalised offers, promote relevant products and more.

To learn more about video analytics, please visit

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