Earning loyalty through in-store personalisation

Consumers are now expecting personalised products and services in brick-and-mortar stores. Meaningful one-to-one interaction, personalised messages, accurate recommendations, and targeted promotions are all tools to maintain and earn loyalty. Infosys report shows, personalisation has influenced 59% of consumer on purchasing decision; 62% prefer personalized offers or promotions based on past purchases; and 44% say they […]

Hospitality in retail stores: Are cafés and restaurants the key to improving footfall?

In a bid to entice shoppers to spend more time in brick-and-mortar stores, retailers are providing an extra layer of service in the forms of restaurants and cafés. This approach has been welcomed by the post pandemic consumers who have pent up demand for experiences and socialising face-to-face. For retailers, hospitality within stores increases footfall […]

Video analytics is an all-in-one solution for small retailers

One of the biggest differences between small and large businesses is their ability to take risks. Small businesses, new or old, are often one bad decision away from failing while large businesses have the resources to recover. Therefore, it is paramount that small businesses make profit consistently. AI based video analytics can help small business […]

Data gathering in retail: Which technology is best for you?

  The 3 main data collection and marketing solutions for retailers are beacon technology, AI video analytics, and wi-fi. Let’s look at how they work and the pros and cons for retailers trying to measure engagement, understand customer behaviour, and promote effectively.   Beacon technology:   Beacon transmitters are small devices that send signals to […]

Concept Stores: the what, how, and why.

  Concept stores are becoming more and more popular in recent years. Why? Because they offer more than just products, it’s a lifestyle. Consumers can find and purchase products online with only a few clicks so physicals stores have to offer something more to stay relevant. However, while online stores provide price competitive products and […]